Venue & Hospitality

Venue: The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto Address: 1 Harbour Square, Toronto, ON M5J 1A6, Canada . Note: Hotel staff will only provide general information about the hotel and guest rooms, will not disclose for any specific details about the conference. If you wish to contact the hotel reception, kindly contact 20 days prior to the conference date.

Conference Dates: July 24-25, 2024

Hotel Services & Amenities

  • Audio/Visual Equipment Rental.
  • Business Center.
  • Business Phone Service.
  • Complimentary Printing Service.
  • Express Mail.
  • Fax.
  • Meeting Rooms.
  • Office Rental.
  • Photo Copying Service.
  • Secretarial Service.
  • Telex.
  • Typewriter.
  • Video Conference.
  • Video Messaging.
  • Video Phone.
  • ATM.
  • Baggage Storage.


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